The Qur'an in English...
A modern contemporary English translation that includes thousands of footnotes referring to similarities in the Bible

This translation boasts over 3000 references to the Bible, which effectively serves to highlight the spiritual common ground we share within these Holy books.

For Muslims: In the hands of Muslims, it will effectively challenge the unfounded roots of radicalism. Developing tools like this are a critical part of defeating the foundations of radicalism.

For Christians: In the hands of Christians, this Qur’an will be paradigm-shaping & transformative.

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This is for you if...

  • You want to be part of the reconciliation process between Muslims and Christians.
  • You want to learn more about the commonalities of these Christianity and Islam. 
  • You want to read a major contribution to 21st century literature in religious thought. It is destined to become a time-honored seminal work that must be read and reread. With this book, Dr. Safi Kaskas and Dr. David Hungerford may have already won an important victory in the battle for the minds and hearts of the younger generation of Muslim and Christians.
  • If you always had heard the Bible was referenced in the Qur'an, and want to see our shared parables side by side!

See what our readers had to say!  Testimonials from Amazon

I have only gotten through a few chapters of this extraordinary book and I am so incredibly moved by it. This book has the power to change lives, misperceptions, and ideologies that no longer serve a purpose. The Christian and Muslim divide can start bridging together in a way that no one has ever thought possible until now. I recommend this to anyone who wants to learn more about the commonalities of these two religions.

Caleb Boyenger

I was always wondering about the best way to build bridges with Christians and the best way to help them know what the Qur'an says, the way I understand it, a book of peace. Finally this book gives me both of my wishes. It represent the Qur'an in a simple way that is easy to understand and it shows the common ground both Christianity and Islam have. I invite everyone interested to learn more about both Islam and Christianity to read it.

Muhammad Islam Awan

I believe that this new Qur'an is one of the most significant books published in the last decade. If every Christian and every Muslim were to read each other's holy books and use this tool to better understand, it could lead to an new era of mutual respect and even admiration. May it be so. May this book help us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves...

Todd Hendricks