The Awakening, Part 1: The Smoke of Rebellion - Bridges To Common Ground

The Awakening, Part 1: The Smoke of Rebellion

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The Awakening, Part 1: The Smoke of Rebellion

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now our life is nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11

“Such (being their state), we raised them up (from sleep), that they might question each other. Qur’an 18:19

From the U.S. to Syria and Ukraine, the screams of the angry and the smoke of protests from the disillusioned are rising up. I can’t help but wonder if this is something new or a rehash of previous uprisings.

Yet, this feels like something distinctively different, as though many are simultaneously awaking from a stupor or daze, intentionally induced by a self-indulgent invisible power elite. A valid “age of questioning” is fomenting; everything from established authorities of government, to religious and economic institutions.

Whether Assange and Snowden are heroes or traitors, they have awakened the masses to startling realities. The banking crises, Wall Street scandals and global political paralysis reinforce the demand for reform. Once highly regarded institutions cannot be trusted in the old ways of business.

By far, the protestors’ greatest enemy is when protests become bloody, distracting from the truest of passions; needed reform. Even when achieved, as in Egypt, by rapidly replacing four presidents, protests continue. Where is their sense of fulfillment?

Each of us wrestles with doubts about the future. The answers that ensure success seem frighteningly elusive. Moreover, radicals, hidden in the smoke of rebellion and violence are using this time of confusion for devious ends. The tricky question we must ask is, “How can we help direct people into growing constructive movements?”

Over the coming months we will continue to detail “secrets” that unlock power within the ancient languages of the Bible and Qur’an and the impact they have when applied to volatile contexts such as these. These timeless texts guide us toward stunning new paths to inner (personal) and outer (connecting with others) peace, understanding and love for greater impact and personal awakening.[1] [1] “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. John 9:40-41.

Featured image – Kiev, Ukraine, January 2014. Sasha Maksymenko, CC License